Childhood Trauma & PTSD


You Can Heal…

Feelings of fear and temporary “flight-or-fight” reactions after a traumatic incident are typical, and most people recover from traumatic experiences. Some traumas, though, can create lasting and painful effects. Trauma can include witnessing an accident, assault, natural disaster, combat-related event, or the sudden death of a loved one. Trauma can also be experienced in childhood through physical, sexual, emotional abuse, or witnessing violence, substance abuse, or mental illness in a parent. Those who suffer long-term from traumatic experience are recognized as having Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Exposure to traumatic events may lead to dangerous ways of coping, avoidance of situations that trigger fear and anxiety, and feeling detached from loved ones. Psychotherapy can help better understand these feelings, relieve symptoms, and resolve anxiety disorders.

Do You…

  • Have difficulty controlling your emotions, “overblow” things, or feel “numb”?
  • Wonder if you are “normal”?
  • Have disturbing memories, flashbacks, or nightmares?
  • Wonder if you will ever get over what happened in the past?
  • Feel unsafe even when you know nothing bad can happen?
  • Feel depressed or anxious and manage these feelings with substance abuse or eating problems?
  • Feel angry, irritable, or hyper-vigilant?

I can help you feel relief from the pain of struggling with trauma. Talking with a therapist is quite different than talking with a friend or family member. A counselor is a trained listener who can identify mental health issues. Together, we can uncover the root of your stress and anxiety, helping you to begin to feel better.