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Communication Is Key

Each relationship, romantic or otherwise, goes through hardships and challenges. Psychotherapy is often sought when relationship issues begin to affect daily life or if feelings of hopelessness develop in the relationship. Relationship conflict can also affect one’s self-esteem and physical health and lead to feelings of guilt, shame, or anger, as well as anxiety and depression. Sometimes substance abuse or eating problems are used to avoid confronting the source of the relationship conflict. With the help of counseling, relationship challenges and issues can be better understood, communication can improve, and the relationship can be repaired. Relationship struggles can be painful and confusing. It is often essential to recognize how your family of origin has influenced your relationships with others throughout your life. Families are training grounds for relationship choices and problems. Together, we can uncover the sources of your relationship challenges, guiding you to chose healthy ones.

You may struggle with relationships in the following ways…

  • Do you feel like it is hard to communicate with your spouse?
  • Do you feel like you are making the same mistakes over and over again in relationships?
  • Do you feel like it is hard to get close to people?
  • Is it a challenge for you to find good friendships?
  • Is it hard for you to maintain a sense of yourself in relationships?
  • Do you often experience conflicts with co-workers?
  • Are you too vulnerable or victimized or too angry and distant?
  • Do you want to find a partner and feel more self-confidence dating?

These struggles are painful and confusing, and I can help you relieve them. It is often important to understand the impact your family of origin has had on you and the way you learned to cope and relate to others. Families are training grounds for later life relationship choices and behaviors. You will learn to recognize the effects of your background and will learn relational skills, heal from past family or previous relationships, and be able to experience different and better relationships.